EUROCONSTRUCT provides comprehensive information about European construction trends

The aim of the EUROCONSTRUCT network is to produce up-to-date and accurate information and a comprehensive forecast of European construction markets and their outlook in the medium-term strategic planning period. The network brings together organisations from 19 member countries. The member organisations and independent research institutes or expert companies.

Thanks to the large number of member organisations and their high-level expertise, EUROCONSTRUCT is able to provide very comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date information on the European construction markets.

Forecon Ltd is Finland’s representative in the EUROCONSTRUCT network.

The EUROCONSTRUCT Conference brings together European construction experts

The EUROCONSTRUCT network has held conferences regularly since the 1970’s which have dealt with the development of construction in Europe and its various regions, the impact of economic conditions on construction, and other topical construction-related phenomena. The conference gives construction sector actors unique information about the outlook for and developments in the sector.

The EUROCONSTRUCT Report that forecasts developments in European construction is published biannually

The EUROCONSTRUCT network publishes a biannual forecast on European construction in connection with its conferences prepared jointly by all network member organisations. The report provides public organisations, construction products manufacturers, construction companies and other sector enterprises valuable information on which actors can plan their activities and produce construction products for which there is demand.

Each member organisation produces a country report on its domestic situation for housing, non-residential and civil engineering as well as a forecast. The report is published at the EUROCONSTRUCT Conference. Other actors may also buy the report for own use from their country’s EUROCONSTRUCT member organisation.

98th EUROCONSTRUCT conference took place in Milan, Italy 2-3 December 2024.

Read more about the conference in Euroconstruct’s webpage.

For more information on the reports, click here.