Monitoring and forecasting the construction market – in Finland and abroad

We monitor the current state of construction and forecast trends. The contents of the forecasts and reports are fully tailored to the client’s needs. This way, the forecast can serve and contribute to our client’s business as efficiently as possible.

We provide forecasts e.g. on the following sectors of construction:
  • Civil engineering
  • Building construction
  • New construction
  • Renovation
  • Residential construction
  • Non-residential construction

Who benefits from construction forecasts?

We provide studies for construction companies, public operators and construction product manufacturers. Our clients also include retailers, investors, organisations and others.

What are the forecasts based on?

Our forecasts are built on broad surveys. In surveys of the development of construction markets we take into consideration developments in the global economy and macroeconomics as well as changes in the construction business environment. If necessary, we also indicate how these developments impact demand for construction products.
Read more on forecasting demand for construction products and production!

Our forecasts cover the desired geographical area

We monitor and forecast construction within the geographic boundaries defined by our client, such as the entire Finnish market, a certain Finnish region, the Baltic region, the Nordic countries or Europe as a whole. We use methods developed in Finland in forecasting international developments, where applicable, but always consider the special features of construction in the target area.

The construction market forecasts for Finland are region- or even municipality-based. Our regional forecasts deal with their building stock, municipality-basedconstruction production statistics as well as development of the mostsignifi cant individual construction projects.

Forecasts for construction in the Nordic countries

We produce a unique Total Market forecast together with our Nordic colleagues. The report’s comprehensive analysis and forecasts provide valuable information on both the current and future construction situation. The Construction Forecast is an indispensable tool for all construction operators who want to keep up to date with developments in the construction market and plan for the future with solid information.

The Nordic building forecast includes:
    • Comprehensive market forecasts for building construction and civil engineering, segmented by building type and regionally by country.
    • The combined market for Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the Nordic countries as a whole.
    • New residential construction, housing renovation, new non-residential construction, non-residential renovation and civil engineering.
    • Annual information on past and future developments in construction, presented in units, square metres and euros. We present forecasts for the current year and the next two years.
  • The reports are updated three times a year (April, August and November), so they provide up-to-date construction forecasts.
  • The reports are user-friendly and provide comprehensive analysis tools.
  • The forecasts are published in local language and English as online reports and in an easy-to-use dashboard with filterable graphs and tables.
  • There is also a PowerPoint presentation and a comprehensive Excel database to allow you to process and analyse the data yourself.

Sign up now and get access to in-depth market analyses and forecasts to help you navigate the construction market successfully!

Why would we order a forecast when we monitor the market ourselves?

Many companies try to forecast construction trends based on self-collecteddata. The data collected by an individual company is, however, often toonarrow in scope or improperly focused with regard to the products they use orthe activities they engage in. The narrower the scope of the information used tomake forecasts, the more inaccurate they are.

Our strength lies in the scope of the data we use in forecasting and the long-term nature of our monitoring. Since we have available vast amounts ofsystematic basic data, we are able to make signifi cantly more accurate, focusedand in-depth forecasts than companies’ internal market researchers. We make forecasts using a wide range of calculation models and can target them precisely to your company’s needs.