by Pekka Pajakkala | 11.06.2018 | Reports
European construction is growing well on the back of low interest rates, good economic growth and pent-up needs. Economic growth is expected to remain solid, unemployment will decrease, exports will grow, interest rates will remain low and the confidence of consumers...
by Tuomas Laitinen | 20.12.2017 | Reports
The Baltic States The Economic sentiment of the Baltic States has deteriorated due to weak investment growth. In 2016 the overall economic growth in the Baltic States decelerates to some 1.7 %, which is the slowest after the financial crisis in 2009. The consumers’...
by Tuomas Laitinen | 21.07.2017 | Reports
The Baltic States The World Economic development favours currently the Baltic States. The economic situation in Baltic States’ neighbouring trade partner countries have improved. Baltic States economic sentiment has strengthened and the economic growth will accelerate...
by Tuomas Laitinen | 21.06.2016 | Reports
The Baltic States Overview The economic growth has been among the fastest in the European Union in the Baltic States for the past couple of years. Now the Baltic countries are among those countries suffering the most from the prolonging dispute between European Union...